Home History Pawpets Acting LSD Events Links E-Mail

Catch the Wave at www.furryspringbreak.com

Links to other webpages:

folkmanis.com Folkmanis - one of the best (and one of the few) companies that make furry hand puppets!
folkmanis.de The german distributor of Folkmanis.
pawpet.org The official webpage of the orlando pawpet crew and the Funday Pawpet Show!
Puppetry Home Page All you ever wanted to know about puppetry, but never dared to ask...
Puppet Manipulation Steve Axtell's page holds valuable information about how to move your puppet!
Arts in Education Very nice introduction to ventriloquism!
Tiresta Homepage of Steve Plunkett, the original furry pawpeteer!
(Living in the USA he can be seen on most furry conventions there. Keep an eye open.. it's worth it.)
Other useful links
FurNation In search for furry artists? Many of them have their homepages here!
tigress.com Browse through one of the largest collections of furry homepages!
Miavir's Story Index Looking for furry stories? This is one of the largest collections on the net.
Eurofurence The biggest furry convention in europe!
(The best place to watch LSD live!)
FurSearch Trying to find a specific furry page? Let this search engine help you!
anthromaker.de Furvan's fursuit page. Keep up the good work!
(Have patience.. Furvan is currently redesigning his wepages.)
Maskottchen Germany Buy your own fursuit or rent one.
(Page maintained by Atalon Deer.)

If you have any links that might be of interest and you would like them to appear on this links page, just drop me a mail.

Copyright ©2000 by Marcus Hess
email: pawpet@pawpet.de